Monday, November 28, 2011

Steps towards reducing waste

Gradually over the last few weeks we've been taking some slow steps towards decreasing waste in from our house.  It is hard, though, especially living in the Midwest in a dorm.  First of all, I cannot have a compost bin.  Second, it is very hard to find any store that sells things in bulk.  So, our small steps have been: First, we have glass jars rather than plastic Tupperware.  Second, I examine every packaging to make sure it is compostable.  Third, we are using microfiber cloths rather than any paper towels or disposable wipes.  Fourth, we refuse any plastic bags from the stores.  We have an array of re-usable shopping bags and we refuse those little baggies for produce.  Fifth, we have no ziplock baggies--rather we put everything in glass jars.  Sixth, we have refused paper cups for coffee for the last 4 weeks.  We only get "for here" cups and take time out to drink them while sitting down.  Not only do we save on trash, we get 10cents off each cup, and we get time to sit with a cup of coffee for a little.

These are six small steps we have taken over the last 3 weeks.  We have honestly noticed a decrease in trash.  We still recycle a lot.  My goal is to decrease recycling as well.  For the time being these are a few good steps!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Beginning of the Journey

"So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them."
Genesis 1: 27

In Old Testament theology the professor was lecturing on Biblical cosmology; in other words what the Bible has to say about the the origin of the world and humankind.  This verse is one that I have heard more times than I can count.  I have heard many explanations of this text.  People have tried to understand what it means to be made in the "image of God" for a long time.  
There are many different ways that this could be interpreted:
  • Humans have the ability to think and feel and this sets them apart from other creatures.
  • Humans express God's image in their relationships since God is a relational God.
  • Humans have character traits that mirror God's image--wisdom, kindness, love, goodness, etc.
  • Humans have the ability for creativity in the arts.
These all are true but I do not think they fully grasp the reality of what it means to be made in the image of God.  The other night it really opened my mind and started me (and consequently my husband) down an exciting path.

We explored some passages from sources outside the Bible to see what "image of..." meant in that time period.  Then we studied Biblical passages to understand the use of this phrase.  To make a long study short, to be the "image of" something is to be the representative or agent of that person.  Therefore to be in the "image of God" means to be the representative or agent of God here on earth.  Human beings are created to be on this earth to care for the earth as if God were here taking care of it Himself.  That is the reason for His instruction to rule, subdue, and multiply.  The earth is created for God to give Him glory and we are created for the earth to care for it and enable it to adequately worship God.  Of course, being a created entity, we too were created to worship God.  But the earth was not created for us, rather we were created for the earth.  

This got me thinking about how creation and redemption connect.  Redemption is where God is reconciling man to Himself so that we can live in covenant relationship with Him, living as his image here on earth.  Redemption is the restoration of the Kingdom of God here on earth.  It is the bringing back of the Kingdom where God is King.  We as images of God are to live, here and now, as though God is our King and we are His representatives.  We are to seek to bring Him glory through our lives, other peoples' lives, and the earth.

Our ministry, then, is three-folded.  First, we live our lives as if God is our King.  How does this look in your life? Second, we proclaim the good news that we have a good King who loves us and wants to be in relationship with us. Thirdly, we care for the earth in every way we can, seeking through our small efforts to make the earth a place that glorifies God.

So, I began to pray and ask God what it was that I could do in my life.  I can't go overseas and work as a missionary right now so what can I do instead, here and now, to bring glory to God?  In my personal life I can draw closer to God by studying, learning, reading, and writing.  Focusing outward, I am in a great position for discipleship.  There are plenty of young college girls around me who need to know how to grow and mature in their faith in Jesus.  I don't know all the answers but I do know the journey that I have come to this point.  Finally, as for the earth...well...that is an exciting part as well!

I realized that we, Christians, should be on the forefront of the environmental bandwagon!  It is Kingdom living to wholeheartedly take care of the earth.  So, we decided our next step in taking care of the earth is to simplify and decrease our waste! We've started down a journey that some call "zero-waste."  We want to use our resources wisely and decrease our disposal. (More on this in later posts).

So, this blog is about all three areas of life.  I will give updates on our journey in personal growth, discipleship, and waste-free living!!

As the image of God, what is your next step?